Office +CAPITOL HILL:special mac files for windows:
Macromedia Director
Offices of You Know
The Honorable r rHouse of RepresentativesWashington, D.C. 20515Dear Representative r, With the consideration of new health care regulation, an overwhelming task for lawmakers arises. As a physician and director of the A.D.A., I am well informed of the problems and costs of health care. The A.D.A. has studied various aspects of American medicine and has some sound advice for its impending rennovation. I will be in Washington with some of my colleagues next month. We will be bringing our message of cost reduction to Congress. If you are available for a luncheon or one of our informal evening gatherings, we would be honored by your attendance.Sincerely,Benjamin Daly, M.D.Associate Director, A.D.A.
Script Channel Commands
puppettransition 23starttimerplay doneif BTYourOffice = FALSE then set BTYourOffice = trueelse puppettransition 23 go "atdesk"end ifglobal myPAlertList-- Get the next mail message from the linked listset aMsg = myPAlertList(mGetNextMsg)if (aMsg > 0) then --beep aMsg put "PH"&aMsg into myPhoneMessage --put (myPhoneMessage) into cast B11 puppetSound myPhoneMessageend ifcursor 4go the framepuppetsound 0-- Call up the sound according to your vote..--YRVote is passed from the invisible sprites above--the voting buttons. It returns "aye" "nay" or "pres"put YRVote&aMsg into PSoundsound playFile 01, "Capitol Hill:support:scsounds:"&PSoundvotehandlerpausego movie "Capitol Hill:support:PDA"phonehandlergo movie "Capitol Hill:support:Calendar"mailhandlercursor -1set the volume of sprite 21=128global myMAlertList,mailBox-- Get the next mail message from the linked listset aMsg = myMAlertList(mGetNextMsg)mailBox(mGetMail,aMsg,B11)set the cursor of sprite 6=0set the cursor of sprite 7=0set the cursor of sprite 8=0repeat with i=193 to 195 put "_" into field iend repeatif soundbusy(1) then go the framesound fadeout 1,60go movie "Capitol Hill:support:Rolodex"puppetsound "s0"set s=1go "s"puppettransition 23go "atDesk" if cs=1 then puppetsound "c2"else set cs=1 puppetsound "c0"end ifif field d11="X" or field d12="X" or field d13="X" then puppettransition 23 go label("FP1")+2else go "FP1"end ifput "Offices of Rep."&&repname into field "blue"go "FlPln"spPhoneMSGgo the frame-1go movie "Capitol Hill:support:BgtPages"go marker(1)votehandlerput "Nay" into YRVotego the frame + 4put "Pres" into YRVotego the frame + 8set the cursor of sprite 6=1011set the cursor of sprite 7=1011set the cursor of sprite 8=1011go to frame "Talleying"global theTxtHandlerpuppettransition 23theTxtHandler(mClearTxtCast)starttimerplay doneglobal myVAlertList,theTxtHandler-- Get the next mail message from the linked listif (objectp(myVAlertList)) then set aMsg = myVAlertList(mGetNextMsg) if (objectp(theTxtHandler) ) then theTxtHandler(mSetTxtCast ,H36 , H37 , H38,0,0 ) theTxtHandler(mFormat , H36, 12, "bold", "center") theTxtHandler(mFormat , H37, 11, "plain", "center") theTxtHandler(mFormat , H38, 12, "plain", "center") theTxtHandler(mSetBkStrs , "*" , "%", "%%",%%",%%") theTxtHandler(mGetTxt,"BillText:Bill"&aMsg) end ifend ifpuppetsound "invite"puppetSound "DSKPEN" set the cursor of sprite 6=0set the cursor of sprite 7=0set the cursor of sprite 8=0go "Folderintro"puppetsound "job folder"unloadpuppettransition 23go label("FullFolder")+1go marker(1)phonehandlerif the clickon=0 then set the movierate of sprite 21=0 go the frame+1else if the movietime of sprite 21<the duration of cast(the castnum of sprite 21) then go the frameend ifgo label("fullfolder")+1if the mousedown then set the movierate of sprite 21=0 go the frame+1else if the movietime of sprite 21<the duration of cast(the castnum of sprite 21) then go the frameend ifwhen mousedown then skipif field d14="X" or field d15="X" or field d16="X" then puppettransition 23 go label("FP2")+2else go "FP2"end ifif field d17="X" or field d18="X" or field d21="X" then puppettransition 23 go label("FP3")+2else go "FP3"end ifif field d22="X" or field d23="X" or field d24="X" then puppettransition 23 go label("FP4")+2else go "FP4"end ifif field d25="X" or field d26="X" or field d27="X" then puppettransition 23 go label("FP5")+2else go "FP5"end ifif r=1 then puppetsound "r1"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif r=1 then puppetsound "r4"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif r=1 then puppetsound "r3"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif m=1 then puppetsound "m1"else set m=1 puppetsound "m0"end ifif m=1 then puppetsound "m3"else set m=1 puppetsound "m0"end ifpuppetsound "flush"set BTYourOffice = TRUEwhen mousedown then puppetsound 0puppetsound "your office"puppetsound "new office"if m=1 then puppetsound "s6"else set m=1 puppetsound "m0"end ifif m=1 then puppetsound "m2"else set m=1 puppetsound "m0"end ifgo marker(1)mailhandlerput "Yea" into YRVotego the frame + 1hire "baldwin"hire "raybal"hire "bream"hire "lee"hire "hayden"hire "stefanos"hire "ward"hire "cambridge"hire "kravitz"hire "quinn"hire "tischer"hire "modiglio"hire "farar"hire "tomee"hire "hernandez"puppetsound "s4"if r=1 then puppetsound "r6"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif r=1 then puppetsound "r2"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif cs=1 then puppetsound "c3"else set cs=1 puppetsound "c0"end ifif cs=1 then puppetsound "c1"else set cs=1 puppetsound "c0"end ifif r=1 then puppetsound "r5"else set r=1 puppetsound "r0"end ifif s=1 then puppetsound "s3"else set s=1 puppetsound "s0"end ifpuppetsound "c0"set cs=1puppetsound "r0"set r=1puppetsound "m0"set m=1if rollover(9) then go "s"if rollover(10) then go "c"if rollover(11) then go "r"if rollover(12) then go "m"go the frameif s=1 then puppetsound "s2"else set s=1 puppetsound "s0"end ifif s=1 then puppetsound "s5"else set s=1 puppetsound "s0"end ifif s=1 then puppetsound "s1"else set s=1 puppetsound "s0"end if